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Carbon Neutral Shipping

We are proud to announce that all orders shipped via UPS from Pure Buttons and StandOut Stickers will be sent as UPS carbon neutral!

What does carbon netural shipping mean? Quite simply, the "carbon cost" generated by each shipment is calculated and offset by investments in renewable energy projects, rainforest preservation and more. CO2 emissions by these UPS deliveries have been measured and reduced to net zero in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol certified by Natural Capital Partners and verified by Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS).

Rather than allowing customers to "opt-in" to this carbon neutral option, we decided to make it standard on all UPS shipments at no additional cost.

At this time, only UPS offers a carbon neutral option. While USPS is making steps to improve the efficiency of their delivery fleet and services, you can only get carbon neutral shipping by choosing any of the UPS shipping options on our website.

Learn more about UPS carbon neutral credentials. You can also learn more about UPS Environrmental & Social Impact initiatives.

Look for the 🌱 seedling emoji to denote a UPS carbon neutral shipping option during checkout.

Important Update! 2023's numbers are in and we're excited to share them. In 2023 Pure Buttons and StandOut Stickers customers have offset a combined 40.559 metric tons of CO2 through the UPS Carbon Neutral Program. That is a total of 73.359 metric tons of CO2 since we began participating in the program. Thank you! Stay tuned for 2024's numbers!

Pure Buttons UPS Cabon Neutral Certificate 2023

Pure Buttons UPS Cabon Neutral Certificate 2022

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