20% OFF Stickers Code: STICKERDEAL Custom Buttons from $4.99 Free Shipping: FREESHIP (Cont. USA Over $35) Production Time: 1-3 Business Days (Plus Ship Time)

All Reviews For 4" Round Clothing Magnets

Below you will find all of our reviews for 4" Round Clothing Magnets. All reviews were submitted by customers just like you. If you have purchased 4" Round Clothing Magnets and would like to submit your own thoughts, we'd appreciate it. We rely on word of mouth to promote and improve our business and products!

We use Trustpilot to collect verified reviews from customers after they complete an order. Trustpilot reviews are unmoderated and reflect a pure stream of verified feedback from every customer who opts to engage on the platform. You will be contacted by Trustpilot on behalf of Pure Buttons to leave service and product reviews after your purchase.

Reviews for 4" Round Clothing Magnets

Legacy Reviews for 4" Round Clothing Magnets

Below you will find older "legacy" reviews collected for 4" Round Clothing Magnets directly on our site, before we integrated with Trustpilot to collect verified reviews. Take a moment to browse the product photos and thoughts of our customers who submitted reviews with our legacy review system.

Reviewer: Aron from Indianapolis IN USA
Great Product, Delivered Fast I custom-created my own 4" round. The process was easy. I am very impressed with PureButtons' product. Great value! Posted:
Reviewer: Julie
4" Round Clothing Magnet I designed a 4” button with an image that I wanted displayed and then had a line of text put on top of the image in a horizontal line towards the bottom. It was then finished in matt. I received the button in just a few days, and it was even better than I expected! The image almost looks like fabric and the text is bright and shows up very well. Incredibly pleased. Posted:
Reviewer: Rick Stoffiere from Westlake OH
Simple ordering and FAST production! I wanted to make some custom photo buttons which had magnetic attachments rather than the usual pins. I found Pure Buttons in a Google search for this, and placed my order on October 4th. I was shocked to find a package on my doorstep on the 5th, the very next day, with my order inside!! It was then I found out this company is located very close to where I live. Even still, the turnaround was AMAZING. But fast production and shipping means nothing if the end product is bad. These buttons were excellent! Very, very good quality and workmanship. I could not be more pleased, and will definitely order from Pure Buttons again in the future!! Posted:
Reviewer: Claudia Rumwell from Arizona
Customer Photo: Couldn't be betterCustomer Photo Couldn't be better Everyone loves the pins... they turned out just as we had hoped. The quality is terrific; and by the way, the magnet works well. There isn't anything about the outcome that I (we) would want changed. Perfect job. Thank you, Claudia Posted:
Reviewer: R. James from Illinois
Excellent Work Very timely and well done. I would order again from this company. Posted:
Reviewer: Gareth from MA
Clothing Magnets 4 inch High Quality, looks and works really well. Great service and Delivery. Highly recommended. Posted:
Reviewer: Richard Pastrick from Bellevue Washington
Awesome as Always I've been using PureButtons for the last 7 years at least once a year for small orders and they have once again hit it out of the park with my latest order. Previously I had only ordered pin back buttons of various smaller sizes but this time I decided to give the 4" Clothing Magnet buttons a try and I am super pleased with the outcome. The magnets are strong and they hold the 4" buttons securely on every shirt I have tried. The template makes the design and creation process so easy to do. I am not an artist or designer under any definition but even this amateur was able to put something pleasing together. The order was completed, shipped, and arrived in a very reasonable time. I will definitely be coming back to PureButtons in the future. I will also definitely be recommending them to my friends and colleagues. Posted:
Pure Buttons Beastie Button Pure Buttons Beastie Mascot