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All Reviews For 1" Round x 4 Button Packs

Below you will find all of our reviews for 1" Round x 4 Button Packs. All reviews were submitted by customers just like you. If you have purchased 1" Round x 4 Button Packs and would like to submit your own thoughts, we'd appreciate it. We rely on word of mouth to promote and improve our business and products!

We use Trustpilot to collect verified reviews from customers after they complete an order. Trustpilot reviews are unmoderated and reflect a pure stream of verified feedback from every customer who opts to engage on the platform. You will be contacted by Trustpilot on behalf of Pure Buttons to leave service and product reviews after your purchase.

Reviews for 1" Round x 4 Button Packs

Legacy Reviews for 1" Round x 4 Button Packs

Below you will find older "legacy" reviews collected for 1" Round x 4 Button Packs directly on our site, before we integrated with Trustpilot to collect verified reviews. Take a moment to browse the product photos and thoughts of our customers who submitted reviews with our legacy review system.

Reviewer: Susan from Florida
OMG I was actually taken aback at how gorgeous this button pack was. The card backing was substantial....and the pins were perfectly placed. My customer was in love. Posted:
Reviewer: James from San Francisco
Black Matte Buttons The black matte buttons we ordered came out great! From samples to final, the process was super easy and helpful from the team. We are super satisfied with the product and would definitely come back in the future as well as recommend to others. Posted:
Reviewer: KC Crisp from Atlanta Ga
Couldn't be better. Second time ordering and couldn't be happier. Awesome quality,fast turn around,great price and outstanding customer service. Posted:
Reviewer: Anonymous
Buttons were perfect & on time! I'm so glad I found you guys online. I was thrilled when I received my buttons and they turned out perfect and they were in time for my customers event! I will definitely contact you again in the future for my button needs. Thanks again! Wendy Posted:
Reviewer: atelierMUSE from Canada
Great quality, but a few things... I already have a 1" pin/button maker, so I did not need to order anymore pins - but I do absolutely love the idea of the button packs! So I ordered only the backer cards, to put my own pins on. As such, this review is ONLY for the backer cards! The paper quality is very thick and sturdy, with a bit semi-gloss to it. The print quality is also fantastic. Overall, I'm incredibly pleased with the order! However, there are three things of note: one, the edges of the cards were crunched somewhat from being in transit, so I would recommend that better packing techniques be utilized; two, that the heavy black stroke around part of the text I had seems to have actually bled across the paper, so there is an absorbency issue when overprinting; three, the die-cut shape for the hook is not a standard size, so it's actually two small for a standard loop hook! Otherwise, I do recommend the product, and I will be ordering them again while keeping these issues in mind. Posted:
Pure Buttons Beastie Button Pure Buttons Beastie Mascot